Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Dad, My Hero, My Pastor, and My Friend

Not many people can say this, therefore I feel truly blessed. I have two wonderful and loving parents. THey have been married for almost 24 years! They not only love me unconditionally, but they have also taught me how to love. They love each other and they are examples of a godly couple. My mom is one of my closest friends. I look up to her so much.  I can only pray that I will be as great of a wife and parent someday.

My dad has been a pastor my whole life. I grew up playing hide and seek under the pews. I would imagine I was in a Castle, when I was actually just in the Nursery. Spending hours at the church was normal to me. As I transitioned from my elementary years into my awkward middle schools years, I became more secretive about my dad's occupation. I don't know why I was ashamed. I think it boiled down to my desire to fit in with others. Through a series of events God showed me that I should not want to please others. Only HIM! I also had to come to the realization that my relationship with God was up to me, not my parents. 

Pastor 's kids tend to get placed into two main stereo- types.There are "goody- goody two shoes" pastor's kids and "rebellious" pastor's kids. I don't like to think I am in either stereo-type. It is easy to judge people by their family or their background.  If I could change anything, it would not be my background. I have always looked up to my parents.Growing up in a pastor's home was and is not always easy. It is just like living in any house hold. There are good times and there are bad times. The older I get the more I realize that everything that has happened to me throughout my life has shaped me into the woman I am now. I am growing everyday. I am so thankful that my parents love me no matter what! I love my family!

Today is my Dad's birthday! I have been blessed to have him as my father. I am the luckiest girl in the world. He is a loving and tender hearted man. He is my pastor, my friend, my mechanic, my hero, but most importantly, he is my dad. 

Love you dad! and Happy Birthday! 


  1. Beautiful post, Cara! Can you please tell your Dad "Happy Birthday!" For us from Ken & Eileen Blackburn (dual retired Air Force couple). O'Fallon Assembly of God in IL. We knew you and your 1st 2 siblings as the ABCs.... ;-)

  2. Thank you!!! And yes, I will let them know you say hello! :) My boyfriend of two years now is is Air Force ROTC at his College. He plans to make it a career. :) I will say hi to mom and dad for you both! Great to hear from you!
